
Welcome to Jon Reads Comics!

This is the home of virtually all the podcasts produced by Jon M. Wilson! All shows on the site are listed below. Each show has a link to the list of episodes and a link to the individual show’s feed. (Right-click the feed link and copy to get the URL, then paste this into your podcatcher.)

Jon Reads Comics megafeed

Spider Diaries

5 The Spider Diaries

Peter Parker’s diary, adapting material from Amazing Spider-Man 3, 1963

Turtle Power Hour

11 Turtle Power Hour — Wingnut, Screwloose, and Cerebus, oh my!

Clinton, Layne, and Jon take a look at issue 8 from both Archie’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures and Mirage’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series!

Ninjas 'n' Bots

73 Ninjas ‘n’ Bots — TF AHM 7 and Dinobots 3

Layne and Jon start to get their questions answered in The Transformers: All Hail Megatron 7 and Maximum Dinobots 3 from IDW in 2009!

Spider Diaries

4 The Spider Diaries

Peter Parker’s diary, adapting material from Amazing Spider-Man 2, 1963

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — Feedback Special 4

Jon and Blaine respond to all feedback received by the end of 2024. Stay tuned past our sign off for additional information and corrections, as well as a surprise guest.

Blaine would like to apologize for the small reduction in audio quality. We have a 150 MB limit on our podcast host, and the original file was 192 MB, so he had to tinker with quality settings to make it work.

Ninjas 'n' Bots

72 Ninjas ‘n’ Bots — TMNT Deviations, 29

Layne and Jon take one last look back at City Fall with what might have been, in IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Deviations and then move forward into the first part of Northampton in issue 29, both from 2013!

Spider Diaries

3 The Spider Diaries

Peter Parker’s diary, adapting material from Amazing Spider-Man 1, 1963

Turtle Power Hour

10 Turtle Power Hour — Crisis on Secret Turtle Wars

Layne, Clinton, and Jon talk about two Turtley trips through space. In Archie’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures 7, the boys are whisked off to a bout of intergalactic wrestling. In Mirage’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a story arc going for the last half dozen issues comes to a close as the Turtles return from space and all the different story elements are brought together.

Ninjas 'n' Bots

71 Ninjas ‘n’ Bots — TF AHM 6, Dinobots 2

Layne and Jon watch tensions build in IDW’s The Transformers: All Hail Megatron 6 from 2008 and join in a Dinobot throwdown in Maximum Dinobots 2 from 2009!

Spider Diaries

2 The Spider Diaries

Peter Parker’s diary, adapting material from Amazing Fantasy 15, 1962