Amazing Spider-Man Classics

ASMC 014 – Amazing Spider-Man 18 and 19

Welcome back, Spidey fans, to the British invasion!!!  Yes, we are joined again this week by UK Superman blogger Stephen Lacey, to take a look at Amazing Spider-Man 18 and 19.  Thrill to every minute as Peter Parker runs from a fight, flirts with his aunt, and smashes through glass with nary a scratch.  The Sandman and the Enforcers are out in … erm, force, and enjoy them while you can, because neither will grace the pages of a Spidey book for quite some time to come.

The new Facebook link to the left points to a NEW Facebook page.  If you were a member of the previous group, I invite you to “Like” the new page, where I will be notifying you of new episode postings and such.  If such activity doesn’t interest you, that’s fine too.

I compiled quite the collection of images from these two books.  It was a fun couple of months, and there was plenty more I could have pulled, but these are the highlights.

Thanks as always for listening.  Please feel free to comment below or send us an email.  We also always welcome reviews on iTunes.  Emails and iTunes reviews will receive response on the show.  Enjoy!

Teenage Wasteland

TW 037

Amazing Spider-Man Classics

ASMC 013 – Amazing Spider-Man 17

Hello?  Anybody still out there?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s right!  After 40 days of spider-fast, Amazing Spider-Man Classics is back!

This month, Jon, Don, and Josh are joined by British blogger Stephen Lacey (author of the World of Superman blog) as they discuss and deliberate the beginning of Ditko’s first great trilogy.

Also, introducing a new feature on Facebook.  A bit of fandom fun may be had at the pages for Team Betty, Team Liz, and Team Mary Jane.  This is in addition to the main Facebook page for the show.

All the delays have been to due to a variety of scheduling conflicts.  Things that, in the end, just couldn’t be avoided.  The show has been fighting to exist behind the scenes, even if you couldn’t see it.  Unfortunately, our thrice-monthly schedule has essentially lost a month in the process.  So there are no “July” episodes.  With lots of recordings under the belt over the last couple weeks, the next two episodes should be out before the end of the month, and then we’ll be back on schedule after that.

Thanks as always for listening.  Please feel free to comment below or send us an email.  We also always recommend reviews on iTunes.  Emails and iTunes reviews will receive response on the show.  Enjoy!

Teenage Wasteland

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Teenage Wasteland

TW 035