Amazing Spider-Man Classics

ASMC 021 – Amazing Spider-Man Annual 2 and 30

The drought is over.  The hiatus is ended.  Amazing Spider-Man Classics is back with its longest episode ever, just for you for the holiday season!

We are joined again this episode by Eddie deAngelini, comic archive researcher for With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story., as we take a look at Spider-Man’s second annual and thirtieth monthly issues of his series.  Also, Brad Douglas of the Spider-Man Crawlspace sticks his head in for some emails at the beginning of the show.

Speaking of emails, Aiden Mohan sent us an email discussing the future of Princess Python, and he references a Punisher cover featuring her that can be found here.

I am starting a new weekly podcast with the new year.  If you have any interest in the World War II adventures of a certain caped action hero, join me on January 1 for the premiere of Golden Age Superman.  It’s bound to be a great journey through the early adventures of the first superhero.

Your comments are always welcome via email!  Or share your thoughts in the comment section below.  And we enjoy receiving reviews on iTunes, which will also receive response on the show.  Thanks for listening!

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