Amazing Spider-Man Classics

ASMC 034- The Amazing Spider-Man v2 1

The DC Relaunch has sent the Classics gang back in time to November 1998, the month of the Spider-Man reboot!  Join 19-year-old Jon Wilson, 13-year-old Josh Bertone, and little 9-year-old Donovan Grant as they try to make heads or tails of the new John Byrne premiere series, The Amazing Spider-Man, volume TWO!

Due to the unique theme of this episode, there are no emails read this episode, but if you would like to share your thoughts on the stories we cover or the episode itself, and have them read on the air in the future, drop us a line, and we’ll be happy to do it.

Amazing Spider-Man Classics

ASMC 033 – Amazing Spider-Man 47

Welcome back to Amazing Spider-Man Classics for a truly classic issue of the Stan Lee/John Romita era.  We have Gwen, we have Mary Jane, we have Flash, Harry, and the ESU gang, we have Betty and Ned even though we’re not sure why, and we have Kraven the Hunter, now with 100% more LASER NIPPLES!!!

And! As a special added treat, Josh and Don finally settle the question once and for all of Gwen and Flash and exactly what happened between them.

Joining us once again is Tyler Crone, whom you have have heard on Of Mercs and MutantsFrom Yellow to Red: A Daredevil Podcast, or as the new regular cohost with me and Zach over at Teenage Wasteland: An Ultimate Spider-Man Podcast.  As a Deadpool expert, he lets us know some of the retcons that have been made to this issue by the Merc with a Mouth, and you’ll never look at Anna Watson the same way again!

There are some emails read this time around, so if you would like to have your opinion read on the show regarding the books or our comments on them, drop us a line, and we’ll be happy to do it.

Golden Age Superman

GASup 025 April 1940

April showers bring May flowers, and they also bring conniving female reporters who MUST KNOW SUPERMAN’S REAL IDENTITY!  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this latest episode covers Action Comics 25, the first time Lois Lane ever sought to find out who Superman really is.  It’s a bit of a romp with Superman being immobilized by hypnotism and then killing lots of people.  In other words, Golden Age Goodness!!  Also, over in the Superman radio show, we have the debut of JIMMY OLSEN!!  So, it’s a big month all around for the world of the man with the S on his chest.  Come check it out!

Golden Age Superman is a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network.  If you wish to send feedback, you may do so in the comments below or via email.  You can also subscribe to the show through iTunes, and leave a review if you like to spread the word to others.  Thank you so much for listening!

Teenage Wasteland

TW 055