New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 21 The Culling

Here it is, Superfriends!  At long last, the first big crossover involving the Superbooks — THE CULLING!  From Teen Titans Annual 1, through Superboy 9 and Legion Lost 9, and then back to the finale in Teen Titans 9, Jon and Dave look at every well-planned, meticulously nuanced detail of this story.

And… it’s not a pretty sight.  Fair warning.

But come check it out.  Listen to what we have to say, and then write an email telling us how wrong we were!!  Or WERE WE??

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due September 5

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 20 Action Comics 9

Hello and welcome once again to The New 52 Adventures of Superman, your source for reviews and analysis of every appearance and adventure of Superman and his family of characters.  This time out, we begin looking at the books from May 2012, which includes the two following stories from Action Comics 9:

“The Curse of Superman” – Superman becomes whatever you want him to be. And now he’s trying to destroy the world, but can he be stopped by the Superman of Earth-23?  And what does Morrison mean when he says this is Superman done right?

“Executive Power” – What conflicts would Superman face if he were president?  When does saving the world fall outside the purview of that office, and will Superman cross that line?

Also, this episode begins coverage of a new side title featuring Supergirl from Earth 2, trapped with Robin on a parallel world and forced to take on the new costumed identities of Power Girl and the Huntress.  We also stop briefly on Earth 2 itself to see the fate of their home and its Superman.  All this and your emails too!

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due August 29

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 19 Superboy Supergirl Superman 8

Finishing up the final month before Wave Two brings new titles to the show, Jon and Dave are here in this latest episode to discuss the following stories.

Superboy 8 — “Training Day” — Our shortest coverage of any comic ever.  Seriously, you might be done with it before you finish reading this post.  Listen to find out why.

Supergirl 8 — “Girl in the World” — It’s the start of a whole new story arc, and poor Kara hasn’t had a chance to catch her breath.  And that doesn’t change before Supergirl finds herself caught up in the mysterious world of Siobhan Smythe.  And does our silver-haired Scot have eyes for a certain Kryptonian?

Superman 8 — “The Outsider Option” — Superman finds himself in a Metropolis that hates and fears him.  Didn’t we just do this bit in the previous arc?  But of course there is more to it all than meets the eye.

All this, plus Superman’s involvement in Justice League 8 and some pre-Culling talk with Teen Titans 8 and Legion Lost 8.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due August 22

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 18 Action Comics 8

The New 52 Crew is back once again to look at the latest and greatest adventures of the New 52 Superman.  This time out, it’s Action Comics 8, where Grant Morrison wraps up his first major epic in the early life of Superman with a 30-page adventure story that … well, if I told you how we felt about it, you wouldn’t listen to the episode, would you?

We also answer your emails and have a few things to say about some of the upcoming future creators on the books.  And if you listen to the end, you might even hear some thoughts on a certain other S-named superhero who might have had a movie recently.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due August 15