Golden Age Superman

GASup 032A November 1940

After an extended gap, the show is back for the first of three episodes to cover the adventures of Superman that were published in November of 1940.  Actually, the first two of those episodes will be Superman, the third will be a recently announced Justice Society of America special.  (Hooray!)

The issue at hand today is Superman 8, but rather than tease the contents, I’m going to leave it to you to listen because there’s a bit of a reveal in the course of the episode that I don’t want to spoil.  Just trust me on this one.  And then come back in a couple weeks or so for more.

Golden Age Superman is a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network.  You are also welcome to check out the other end of the Superman spectrum at The New 52 Adventures of Superman, where Dave Weter and I discuss the latest adventures of the Man of Steel!  If you wish to send feedback, you may do so in the comments below or via email.  You can also subscribe to the show through iTunes, and leave a review if you like to spread the word to others.  Thank you so much for listening!

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 24 Superboy Supergirl Superman 10

We are wrapping our review and analysis of the June issues in this episode, which include the following:

Superboy 10 — “The Mysterious Mystery of Mystery Island!” — Superboy and Wonder Girl find themselves on an enigma of an island after their escape from the Culling.  Dodging dinosaurs is easy for Superboy, though, compared to trying to make friends with the girl you tried to kill last week.

Supergirl 10 — “Rescuer” — Trapped in the magical realm of the Black Banshee, Supergirl meets a boy!

Superman 10 — “Secrets & Lies” Part II — Superman’s secret identity has been revealed, endangering a family of innocents, as the Man of Steel learns how to deal with Anguish.

We also continue along The Villain’s Journey in Justice League and see Superboy meet up with the rest of his new team in Teen Titans.  Come give a listen!

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due September 26

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 23 Action Comics 10

In this latest installment of The New 52 Adventures of Superman, Dave and Jon take a look at the first chapter of the next phase of Grant Morrison’s Superman epic in the two stories of Action Comics 10:

“Superman: Bulletproof” — The Little Man has sent Nimrod the Hunter after Clark Kent, and Clark knows it.  What is the ultimate solution Clark will find for this problem?  Suicide???

“Absent Friend” — All those who knew Clark Kent gather to mourn his passing.  And Superman can only watch from the sidelines.

We also include Earth 2’s Supergirl in the discussion with Worlds’ Finest 2.  And Superman has a cameo in Stormwatch 10 as the centuries-old watch squad try to decide what to do with the growing super-hero problem.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due September 19

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 22 Supergirl Superman 9

Our third episode for May 2012 wraps our coverage of those books, bringing you analysis and review of the following stories:

Supergirl 9 — “Like Daughter” — Supergirl confronts the Black Banshee, but discovers that Supers don’t really have anything they can do against magic.

Superman 9 — “Secrets & Lies” — A man with too much time on his hands is determined to expose Superman’s identity, despite any Anguish that may come along the way.  

We also begin our look at “The Villain’s Journey” in Justice League 9.  No Superboy or Teen Titans this week as those were in our Culling coverage last episode.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due September 12