New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 27 Action Comics Superboy 12

The first year of The New 52 approaches its close with these two books from August.  Jon and Dave spend this episode looking at the following stories:

Action Comics 12 — “Return of the Forgotten Superman” — Grant Morrison’s second act finds its end in this extra-long chapter, where Superman makes a huge shift in tone and power set and the identity of the true evil is revealed.  How will it all end?  And who does surgery with their thumbnails anyway?!

Superboy 12 — “Night Games!” — Tom DeFalco is the king of the book now, giving us his first solo chapter with no help from Scott Lobdell.  Where will our favorite Kryptonian clone go now that his driver has changed?  Let’s find out together, shall we?

Also up is Worlds’ Finest 4, with the Supergirl of Earth 2.  Come listen and let us know what you think!

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due October 31.

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