New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 43 H’el on Earth conclusion (just kidding)

Jon and Dave are back to finish out their coverage of H’el on Earth with the help of Charlie Niemeyer.  The problem is, it was so late after covering Superboy 17 and Supergirl 17 that we had to go to bed, so Superman 17’s coverage will be here with emails next time.  So come give a listen, and we’ll see you back here again next week!

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 42 Action Comics 17

The countdown to the finale is underway as Jon and Dave bring you their transantepenultimate episode, featuring our final trip around the DCU, looking at every appearance of Superman outside his own titles.  We begin with discussion of the new Sueprman titles coming in June and then dive into Action Comics 17.  After that, a few brief stops with Worlds’ Finest 9 and Young Romance: The New 52 Valentine’s Day Special before the finale of Throne of Atlantis in Justice League 17.

All that, and Eddie Murphy too!

Thanks for listening! Next new episode should be here around March 27.