Avengers Inspirations

Avengers Inspirations Episode 13 – At Last the Fantastic Four Meet the Hulk

Hooray! Let the choirs ring out in joy! Another epsiode of Avengers Inspirations is here. Lily and Jon discuss the meeting of the Fantastic Four and the Hulk.

Avengers Inspirations

Avengers Inspirations 12 – The Thunder-God and the Thug and Prisoner of the Slave World

A second episode comes out of the holiday break when Lily and Jon record an episode covering Journey into Mystery #89 and Tales to Astonish #41.

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 46 Hunt and Be Hunted

We’re back!!! Or at least, I’m back. Doing a few solo episodes with a new format. Very curious to see what you think, so be sure to drop a line. This time out, I’m taking a look at Worlds’ Finest Volume 2: Hunt and Be Hunted, which hit in November. Most of the included issues we’ve already discussed before, but there is new material to be had as well, so I review where we’ve been before talking about where we’re going. Enjoy!

Avengers Inspirations

Avengers Inspirations 11 – The Terrible Vengeance of Loki and The Day the Ant-Man Failed

Jon and Lily are back with Thor and Hank Pym as they talk about Journey into Mystery #88 and Tales to Astonish #40.