Giant Superman

GiantSup 04 Superman Annual 2 Part 2

The Giant Superman Podcast is where Jon M Wilson and Bob Fisher
take a look back at the Silver Age of Superman via the giant annual
collections published by DC. Giant Superman episodes are
published monthly.

In this fourth giant episode, Jon and Bob finish up
their look at the stories from giant Superman
 2, published on November 10, 1960, with thanks to
Mike’s Amazing World of Comics for publication information:

Here are some links mentioned in the episode:

Look forward to the fifth episode, covering Secret
, on May 31!

Giant Superman

GiantSup Special Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Here’s a mid-month special for you where Jon and Bob are joined by friends to take a look at the latest craze in the world of Superman. It’s about as far from the Silver Age as you can get, so apologies on that front, but we hope you enjoy!

Joining us are two podcasting greats: Rebecca Johnson from Supergirl Radio and Michael Bailey from Views from the Longbox, From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast, and Radio KAL Live. Many thanks to them, and you should definitely check out their shows!

Links mentioned in the episode:

You can email us now! But I’m not gonna hot link cuz spammers are evil. But feel free to send your real live missives to giant superman podcast at gmail dot com. Or just comment below, and your comment will appear next time I’m on the site to moderate those same evil spammers.

Look forward to the fourth regular episode, covering the back half of the second annual, on April 30!