Superman in Crisis

SiC 13 — One Big Happy… (04:25:1985)

Reviewing Action Comics 569 (1:19) and World’s Finest Comics 317 (24:08)!

Your feedback will be back next episode!

Superman in Crisis

SiC 12 — Light’s On But No One’s Home (04:11:1985)

Reviewing Superman 409 (1:39), Legion of Super-Heroes 12 (21:48), and Red Tornado 1 (26:17); and responding to your feedback (34:44)!

Superman in Crisis

SiC 11 (real) — A Time to Die (04:04:1985)

Reviewing Crisis on Infinite Earths 4 (1:30), DC Comics Presents 83 (29:11), and Justice League of America 240 (45:24), and responding to your feedback (52:47)!

Superman in Crisis

SiC 011 — A Reluctant Partner (04:02:1985)

Reviewing the Superman comic book story from April 2, 1985!