Superman in Crisis

SiC 12 — Light’s On But No One’s Home (04:11:1985)

Reviewing Superman 409 (1:39), Legion of Super-Heroes 12 (21:48), and Red Tornado 1 (26:17); and responding to your feedback (34:44)!

One reply on “SiC 12 — Light’s On But No One’s Home (04:11:1985)”

This was fun. Thank you. In “The Sleepwalker from Krypton”, was it actually explained what caused Superman’s semi-catatonic state? From your description, he seemed to be affected when he first was approaching the alien spacecraft, but it didn’t seem as if he’d been attacked yet, and I didn’t catch any explanation of the cause.
“One Life Too Many” was a decent story on a theme that has been explored from time to time over the years: Should Superman be Superman full-time, or should he also be Clark Kent? There was an earlier exploration of this in the Bronze Age when he experimented with just being Clark, or just being Superman. It’s always an interesting philosophical question. I’m a fan of both identities, so I like where this one came down — both!
Legion of Superheroes #12 felt almost like a “placeholder” issue. I wonder if this was a way of dealing with the sort of disconnect between the ongoing “Crisis” and the main line of books: “Slow down until we can link up with the ‘Crisis’ storyline.”
Red Tornado was a character I really enjoyed, although he was often presented as a “mopey” character. I was glad to see him get his own miniseries, but there was still that mopiness, which, to me, wasn’t a good approach to what I thought of as a pretty powerful character.
I don’t want to turn your feedback section into an ongoing discussion of Elliot S! Maggin’s Superman novels, but to answer your question: Yes, I often re-read “Last Son of Krypton”, although not every year, and not at a specific time of year. I also agree with your disbelief that Mr. Maggin “accidentally” anagrammed Curt Swan’s name into the name of a demon.

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