Superman in Crisis

SiC 42 — The Final Crisis (12:19:1985)

Reviewing Crisis on Infinite Earths 12, the grand finale! (of Crisis, not of the podcast)

5 replies on “SiC 42 — The Final Crisis (12:19:1985)”

Thank you for this episode in particular. As I’ve mentioned before, you’ve given me much to think about and reconsider concering Crisis on Infinite Earths, and, in many cases, I’ve changed my mind from my original opinions (sometimes a little; sometimes more). Your summarizing thoughts about the Crisis and its aftemath helped me to see your point that some of the complaints I had on my original reading of the series were overreactions. I see your point, and have mainly come to agree, that some of what I disliked were really about the ways that the “mopping up” and retcons in the post-Crisis stories were not strictly necessary, based on events of the Crisis, and, therefore, I can consider them separately, without judging this series on those later events. Time, maturity, and listening to a rational voice can work wonders. Thank you.
Your discussion of the rooftop scene in Infinity, Inc. 24, between Huntress and Power Girl reminded me of the scene earlier in the series between Batgirl and Supergirl, and it seemed to “bookend” that earlier scene nicely.

Hey, Jon! I’m back. Did ya miss me? Aw that’s nice of you to say. You know what else is nice? Your coverage of Crisis #12. I know you have months of this podcast to go, but congratulations on this milestone! This is a big deal, a year of comics with Superman in 1985 is nothing to sneeze at, so kudos to you, my friend!

This issue is still a fantastic read. Wolfman and Perez pulled out all the stops, and brought out a satisfying conclusion. Which is itself an accomplishment, because many events since then have *not* managed to stick the landing. For this team to do so with the first such event truly set the bar for all events to come, and almost painfully high, since others have struggled to match it. But that’s not a complaint, just acknowledging the talent of this team.

My first note is regarding Darkseid and the New Gods. I recall they established Apokolips and New Genesis being singular in the multiverse during the JLA-JSA team-up, Crisis on New Genesis from JLA #183-185. In that story, Darkseid planned to have Apokolips take the place of Earth-2. And yes, Johns Ostrander and Byrne followed the continuity of the Hunger Dogs graphic novel in Legends, then Byrne solo in his Superman stories. But it abruptly reverted to pre-Hunger Dogs for Cosmic Odyssey, and that whole story has been ignored ever since. But it’s a good question about what happens in Super Powers 3. Maybe if that comes to DCU Finite, fingers crossed.

The big thing about Crisis #12 is it definitely established once and for all to readers, change is here, things will be different from now on. For some characters and series, it took a few months to really set in, like Superman. But looking at the characters who died, heroes and villains, and the metaphorical loss embodied by Superboy going to a peaceful reward, foreshadowing Superman’s adventures as a boy disappearing from continuity. Relatively new but popular character Huntress, gone. More than eliminating the multiverse, the series set the new status quo that DC is really going to move forward and do new things. Honestly, it made the years following Crisis some of DC’s best IMHO. There were still echoes of the old, but a strong effort to forge into a new universe.

Whew! Well, the final third to go for the Superman titles. See you in 2023, and as always, thanks for reading.

Hi Jon, I’ve been binge listening to the last 3 episodes and want to thank you for doing them. Life takes over and I’m glad you’ve found love again. I’m sure you an make this hobby work along with your personal life.

I’ve been absent from feedback for a while , it started with my Mom passing away at the end of October and other family stuff snowballing afterwards. I haven’t felt like doing much and I want to thank you for reading “Superman and the Miserable, Rotten, No Fun, Really Bad Day” in the episode prior to the last one. This placed a smile on my face and it makes me want to track the book down.

I read Crisis when it first came out and bought it monthly. I considered it a great story among the best comics had to offer . These days I look at it and see it as a failed opportunity in some respects. They should have restarted every single book in the DC proper over from #1. I think they were supposed to but chickened out at the end. My two main gripes are that Barry Allen’s death is known by certain people when it should have just been wiped in the reset. Or maybe there should have been another explanation of how he passed away. I think they referred to his death as “ some event” killed him. That’s not enough to give him the honor that Wally West was always trying to bestow on him. After all, no one had memory of Supergirl’s death. It was eliminated after the reset. The second is that because of the reset, it seems like none of the sacrifices meant anything because after all, the people never existed. It makes the reader think “ oh well, no harm done “.I do like that Wally West becomes the Flash in the final issue. I really enjoyed his series much more than the Barry Allen one. Good job on your deep dive into this important series. Enjoy the Holidays my friend.

Wow, what a holiday gift: 3 episodes of Superman In Crisis in one day! I won’t try to do individual comments on each episode, and I will try not to take up too much time. Just wanted to say that I enjoyed all of them, and it feels like we’ve reached a landmark with the end of Crisis itself. It’s been fun to revisit this series, which I hadn’t read in many years. Thanks for all of your additional insights on it; its been a great ride. I’m glad that there are still some more episodes of the podcast to come, though, since I’m not ready to say goodbye yet!

It’s fitting that this issue focused so much on the Earth-2 Superman. As the original DC superhero, the guy who really started everything, it’s somehow fitting that he should be here for what is, in many ways, the ending of that continuity. I’m glad that he didn’t die, as he expected to, but was reunited with Lois to keep existing–somewhere.

To go back a bit, I got a smile out of Your Mindi’s concerns about the way comic books seem to promote radiation. It reminded me of a quip that I once heard. I don’t know who said it (probably nobody famous, just some blogger somewhere), but it’s always given me a chuckle: “The basic message of Marvel Comics in the 60s was: radioactivity is good for you!” Ain’t that the truth?

I don’t know if you’re in Indiana right now, but if you are, I hope you’re enjoying the winter storm!

Take care, and have a good holiday season.

Hi, Jon! It’s me again. I know, it’s very surprising. I’ve now listened to the third of your 3 episodes from 11 days ago, so here we go…

First of all, way to close out your coverage of Crisis proper. I’ve so enjoyed rereading the series over the year and then listening to you talk about it. I bought it off the spinner rack when it came out (except I had to start with #2 due to the vagaries of said spinner rack) as a teenager after having been a DC fan for about 4 years (I started when I was 9 with Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #1 and Legion of Super-Heroes #272) and absolutely loved it. I’ve reread it a few times over the years, but this is the most I’ve read it with an analytical eye thanks to you.

The Golden Age Superman sending everyone away and taking on the Anti-Monitor on his own was incredibly heroic and a moving tribute to the original (and also a convenient way to get him off of the new one Earth). Superboy joining in also makes sense no matter what it eventually leads to. I also had forgotten about Wally inserting himself into the group taking on the Anti-Monitor. This is truly an epic issue and George Perez and Jerry Ordway do not disappoint.

I mentioned the Forgotten Heroes in my comment a couple episodes ago and here are some of them in Brainiac’s ship and coming face to face with Darkseid. I’d forgotten that (ha!…but also true).

I did love the moment with Wally taking on the mantle of the Flash. I was a big fan on New Teen Titans and knew him well, but it’s even cooler to revisit this moment as his incarnation of the Flash would go on to be my favorite (and I’m so happy he’s the star of the book again under than capable hands of Jeremy Adams).

Well, I could go on and on but I won’t. I do have another episode to get to in order to catch back up, which I hope to accomplish soon. Happy New Year to you and Mindi!

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