Ninjas 'n' Bots

NnB 22 — TMNT 9

Layne and Jon begin to discover shadows of the past in IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 9 (2012)!

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

B5 30YL — 1.01 Midnight on the Firing Line

Blaine and Jon launch their discussion of the first season of Babylon 5, aired on Jan 26, 1994!

Ninjas 'n' Bots

NnB 21 — TF Stormbringer 4 and Nightbeat

Layne and Jon discuss IDW’s The Transformers: Stormbringer 4 and Spotlight: Nightbeat from 2006!

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

B5 30YL — 1.00 The Gathering

With special guest Paul Spataro! In one of the few exceptions to our “Thirty Years Later” schedule, Blaine and Jon discuss the TV film that introduced Babylon 5. It aired a year before the first season began, but we’ll be back with our first season coverage next week!

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

B5 30YL — 0.00 Our Histories with Babylon 5

Wanna get to know the hosts of the podcast before we dive into our discussions? Here’s a special Zero Episode where Blaine and Jon discuss their histories with the franchise.

Ninjas 'n' Bots

NnB 20 — TMNT 8 and Leonardo

Ninjas 'n' Bots

NnB 19 — TF Stormbringer 3 and Shockwave

Layne and Jon invite David on the show to talk about IDW’s The Transformers: Stormbringer 3 and Spotlight: Shockwave from 2006!

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later — Promo

Jon will be taking his first journey through the classic sci-fi drama Babylon 5 this year, in the show’s thirtieth anniversary, with podcasting veteran W. Blaine Dowler of Bureau 42. Download and listen to this promo and come see us when we debut on January 19!

Ninjas 'n' Bots

NnB 18 — TMNT 7

Layne and Jon finally meet Krang in IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 7 from 2012!