Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.09 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — The Coming of Shadows

John Siuntres of Word Balloon joins us to discuss the episode which is the namesake of the second season.

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.08 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — A Race Through Dark Places

Jon, Blaine, and a couple of birds get together to discuss the return of Alfred Bester.

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — Feedback Special 4

Jon and Blaine respond to all feedback received by the end of 2024. Stay tuned past our sign off for additional information and corrections, as well as a surprise guest.

Blaine would like to apologize for the small reduction in audio quality. We have a 150 MB limit on our podcast host, and the original file was 192 MB, so he had to tinker with quality settings to make it work.

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.07 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — Soul Mates

Jon and Blaine take a look at Babylon 5 marriages: current, former, unhappy, and…. no, they’re all unhappy.

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.06 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — Spider in the Web

Jon and Blaine discuss secret Psi Corps projects and some impressive guest stars.

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.05 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — The Long Dark

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.04 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — A Distant Star

Jon and Blaine check out meal plans and mysteries in hyperspace when D.C. Fontana makes her final contribution to Babylon 5.

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.03 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — Geometry of Shadows

Van Allen Plexico (of the White Rocket Entertainment Network) joins Jon and Blaine to discuss this early season two episode. Perhaps it’s named the “White Rocket Network” because the green and purple rockets were already taken.

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.02 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — Revelations

Jon and Blaine discuss the fallout from the second season premiere.

Babylon 5 Thirty Years Later

2.01 Babylon 5: Thirty Years Later — Points of Departure

A new season brings a new station commander. One the Minbari don’t like.