New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 33 Action Comics 14

Welcome to a new era in The New 52 Adventures of Superman!  With the major crossover happening in the main titles, “H’el on Earth,” we’re rearranging our format to give it due space.  That means we’ll be covering all of this month’s H’el material next time, and EVERYTHING else in this episode right here.  Everything but emails, which will hit in an episode all their own at the end of the month.  Our feature stories are:

Action Comics 14 — “Superman’s Mission to Mars” and “Star Light, Star Bright…”

After that, we’ll see Helena and Damian in Worlds’ Finest 6, the Justice League confront Simon Baz in Green Lantern 14, Superboy help the Ravagers against … the other Ravagers … in The Ravagers 6 and then help the Legion and Harvest against a threat in Legion Lost 14, Superman and Wonder Woman heat up in Justice League 14 before they pay a visit to Starfire in Red Hood and the Outlaws 14, with the episode wrapping over in New York as Wonder Girl’s origin story comes to a close in Teen Titans 14.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of Superman Forever RadioPADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk PodcastGreen Lantern’s Light, and Superman Forever Radio.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Expect the next episode December 19.

Golden Age Superman

GASup 032B November 1940

And I have returned to continue with my coverage of the Superman adventures that were published in November 1940.  First, Charlie Niemeyer helps me take a look at Action Comics 32.  And in other media, I finish my look at the daily newspaper story where Lois has become a pawn of a mysterious master villain.  Then Superman punches up a robot invasion in the Sunday strips.  And the radio show concludes the Yellow Mask’s return, deals with an invisible man, and sees a five million dollar train robbery.

Next up: The Justice Society of America!

Golden Age Superman is a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network.  You are also welcome to check out the other end of the Superman spectrum at The New 52 Adventures of Superman, where Dave Weter and I discuss the latest adventures of the Man of Steel!  If you wish to send feedback, you may do so in the comments below or via email.  You can also subscribe to the show through iTunes, and leave a review if you like to spread the word to others.  Thank you so much for listening!

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 Lookback special

Having reviewed, analyzed, wept, and stressed our way through over a year of Superman comics, Jon and Dave take an episode to look back at the road we’ve traveled to this point.  With comic stories being told over multiple months, the monthly reading experience often differs to reading larger runs at a go.   Beginning with your emails and continuing with our own thoughts, we look back at the first year of Superman’s New 52 Adventures to discuss where we’ve been and look ahead to where we’re going.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of Superman Forever RadioPADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk PodcastGreen Lantern’s Light, and Superman Forever Radio.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Expect the next episode December 12.

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 32 Supergirl Superman 13 Action Comics Annual 1

Another landmark of The New 52 has arrived as Scott Lobdell takes full reins on the present-day adventures of the Man of Steel inSuperman.  The road to “H’el on Earth” has been paved, and Jon and Dave have reviews and analyses as the Last Family of Krypton is swept forward in the following stories.

Supergirl 13 — “Sanctuary”

Superman 13 — “They Will Join You in the Sun…”

Action Comics Annual 1 — “Vulnerable” and “Anchiale”

Also, Superman’s and Wonder Woman’s hesitant romance continues to bloom in Justice League 13 as Superboy accompanies Wonder Girl back to the place of her origin in Teen Titans 13.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of Superman Forever RadioPADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk PodcastGreen Lantern’s Light, and Superman Forever Radio.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Expect the next episode December 5.

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 Promo – H’el on Earth

The upcoming Superman crossover has us very excited.  Here’s a promo to help you get excited as well.  Podcasters, feel free to use this in your shows, with our thanks.

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 31 Action Comics Superboy 13

Welcome back to another episode of the podcast that takes a look at all the latest and greatest adventures of Superman!  This episode features reviews and analyses of the first half of October’s books, which include the following stories:

Action Comics 13 — “The Ghost in the Fortress of Solitude”

Superboy 13 — “Law and Disorder!”

There are also stops made to see our favorite femme fatales from a farallel fimension in Worlds’ Finest 5 and Superboy’s quest for answers in The Ravagers 5.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of Superman Forever RadioPADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk PodcastGreen Lantern’s Light, and Superman Forever Radio.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Expect the next episode November 28.

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 30 Supergirl Superman 0

We’re wrapping up Zero Month this episode, with mysteries revealed, origins retold, and useless characters becoming awesome!  This time out, Jon and Dave spend ninety-odd minutes addressing the following stories

Supergirl 0 — “The End of the Beginning”

Superman 0 — “Every End Has a Beginning…”

Wow, I never realized how similar those titles are until just now.  But anyways, even though they are completely devoid of Superfolks this month, Jon and Dave also give their brief opinions on the developments in the Zero issues of Justice League and Teen Titans.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of Superman Forever RadioPADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk PodcastGreen Lantern’s Light, and Superman Forever Radio.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Expect the next episode November 21.

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 29 Action Comics Superboy 0

Zero Month is here!  In celebration of a year of The New 52, DC Comics ran a theme across their entire line of “Before the New 52!” And here, Jon and Dave dive into the first half of the books that involve Superman and his family of characters, featuring reviews and analysis of the following stories.

Action Comics 0 — “The Boy Who Stole Superman’s Cape” and “Origin of the Species”

Superboy 0 — “Clonesurrection!”

Also discussed are Worlds Finest 0 and Earth 2 0.

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of Superman Forever RadioPADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk PodcastGreen Lantern’s Light, and Superman Forever Radio.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Expect the next episode November 14.

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 28 Supergirl Superman 12 Superman Annual 1

The first year is over.  The New 52 is firmly established and not going anywhere.  And we close this first year with a five-week month, which gives us our first Superman Annual.  Jon and Dave discuss that and the other Superbooks this month, including the following stories:

Supergirl 12 — “Inheritance” — Supergirl learns the truth of the only remaining Kryptonians, preserved in the bottle city of Kandor.  So then why is there a Kryptonian voice calling to her from the bottom of the sea?

Superman 12 — “Home” — The brief Dan Jurgens run comes to a close as Superman is confronted with a dilemma.  When our heroes are kidnapped by bad guys, they’ll do anything to get home.  So why then is it bad for a kidnapped alien to use equal force to get away from its human captors?  This sparks some philosophical discussion and feelings on the run as a whole.

Superman Annual 1 — “Atonement” — Helspont’s back, and you’re gonna get in trouble.  Hey, Clark!  Hey, Clark!  Helspont’s back!  Jon and Dave discuss Scott Lobdell’s treatment of Superman’s next confrontation with the big bad of the Wildstorm universe.

Also, Superboy helps Cassie in her struggle with the silent armor in Teen Titans 12.  And don’t forget the Kiss That Launched A Thousand Blogs in Justice League 12 and its apparent ramifications in Justice League International Annual 1.  

The New 52 Adventures of Superman will be having a special “look back” episode in the near future.  What are your thoughts on this first year as a whole?  How do the stories translate from month-to-month reading to whole arcs?  Send us an email with “Look back” in the title, and be a part of the conversation for that special episode!

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of Superman Forever RadioPADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due November 7.

New 52 Adventures of Superman

New 52 27 Action Comics Superboy 12

The first year of The New 52 approaches its close with these two books from August.  Jon and Dave spend this episode looking at the following stories:

Action Comics 12 — “Return of the Forgotten Superman” — Grant Morrison’s second act finds its end in this extra-long chapter, where Superman makes a huge shift in tone and power set and the identity of the true evil is revealed.  How will it all end?  And who does surgery with their thumbnails anyway?!

Superboy 12 — “Night Games!” — Tom DeFalco is the king of the book now, giving us his first solo chapter with no help from Scott Lobdell.  Where will our favorite Kryptonian clone go now that his driver has changed?  Let’s find out together, shall we?

Also up is Worlds’ Finest 4, with the Supergirl of Earth 2.  Come listen and let us know what you think!

Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age Superman and J. David Weter of PADSmash!: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and Green Lantern’s Light.  If you have thoughts on the books we cover or on our comments regarding them, please share them by writing an email or comment below.

Next episode due October 31.