Ninjas 'n' Bots

45 Ninjas ‘n’ Bots — TF Devastation 1, New Avengers 4

Beginnings and endings! We have the first issue of IDW’s The Transformers: Devastation and the final issue of the Marvel/IDW crossover New Avengers/Transformers, both from 2007!

Ninjas 'n' Bots

43 Ninjas ‘n’ Bots — TF New Avengers/Transformers 3

It’s the penultimate chapter of the IDW/Marvel crossover in New Avengers/Transformers 3 from 2007!

Ninjas 'n' Bots

39 Ninjas ‘n’ Bots — TF Megatron 2, New Avengers 2

Layne and Jon discuss the second issues of IDW’s The Transformers: Megatron Origin and New Avengers/Transformers from 2007!

Ninjas 'n' Bots

37 Ninjas ‘n’ Bots — TF New Avengers 1, Galvatron

Furman’s next miniseries is delayed, so it’s summer crossover time! Layne and Jon take a look at the first issue of IDW’s New Avengers/Transformers and Transformers Spotlight: Galvatron from 2007!